What is Epilepsy

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Epilepsy can currently be defined as “A neurological condition causing the tendency for repeated seizures of primary cerebral origin”. Someone with epilepsy has a tendency to have seizures, often recurrent in nature, and the word Epilepsy comes from the Ancient Greek word meaning “to seize”. Lots of people think that epilepsy is simply one condition, however, it is actually an umbrella term for a group of about 10-15 different types. Each type will have different triggers, and seizures will present differently.

However, each person with epilepsy will experience their condition in their own way.

The brain is responsible for all of the functions of your body. It is one of the main components of the Central Nervous System and uses nerves to communicate with the rest of the body. If the nerve signals are disrupted or too many signals are sent at once, it is highly probable that a seizure will occur. So let’s look into this a bit more. When a disruption happens, the messages being sent around the brain and to the rest of the body become halted or mixed, and what is experienced during a seizure depends on where in the brain the disruptions happen.