Support during seizures

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Assisting Someone During a Seizure

Standard Practices for Safety

Before exploring advanced treatments, it's crucial to understand the standard practices for assisting someone during a seizure to ensure their safety.

Protect from Harm

Key Point: The priority is to move any nearby objects that could pose a risk of injury to the person during the seizure, such as tables, chairs, or furniture.

Support the Head

Important: Place something soft under the person's head, especially if they are on a hard surface, to support their head and prevent neck strain without obstructing the airway.

Avoid Placing Objects in the Mouth

Protocol: Never attempt to put anything into the person's mouth, as this could cause harm by forcing the mouth open or injuring the person.

Keep Bystanders Away

Crucial: Prevent bystanders from crowding around or filming the seizure, as this can be intrusive and potentially harmful to the person's privacy.

Do Not Restrain

Key Point: Avoid restraining the individual during the seizure, as it can increase the risk of harm due to involuntary movements.

Record Duration

Essential: Record the duration of the seizure from the moment it begins, as seizures lasting over five minutes require immediate medical attention.

Maintain Dignity

Consideration: Ensure the person's dignity by providing covering, such as blankets, especially if there is bladder loss, to maintain privacy and reduce embarrassment.