Medication and Epilepsy

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Anti-epileptic drugs are used to prevent seizures from occurring and are seen to be very effective when used correctly. There are a wide range of drugs, however, none of them will provide a cure for the condition. Each drug has its own function and is designed to combat the specific type of seizure the person experiences. The more common drug names include Tegretol, Clobazam, Midazolam and Diazepam. Lots of these drugs have other uses as well and can be seen in other treatment paths for different conditions and are not exclusively used in the treatment and prevention of epilepsy.

The most important part of medications, as is true when dealing with all conditions, is to find the correct one for the individual. There is no single medication that's better than another one, it may only be better for that particular person, whereas it may be completely ineffective for somebody else. This is one of the reasons as to why there are such a diverse range of medications available. To be effective on an ongoing basis, there must be constant use of the medication, taken exactly as prescribed, making sure the right dosages are administered at the times of day set out in the specific treatment plan.