Types of seizure

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Non-epileptic seizures are divided into two types, organic or psychogenic seizures. Organic seizures are caused by something
physical, such as trauma, whilst psychogenic seizures are caused by thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Like non-epileptic seizures, epileptic seizures can be classified into two different groups as well: Partial, or Focal Seizures, and Generalised Seizures.

Focal Seizures are pin-pointed electrical activity in a specific place in the brain, and as such, they only affect certain characteristics. On the other hand, generalised seizures come from the wide-spread disruption of electrical activity and these are more likely to cause a wider range of symptoms.

Within these categories of epileptic seizures, there are more sub-categories of seizure, each of which is categorised by its own signs and symptoms.

Examples of epileptic syndromes and disorders which relate to seizures include

  • Angelman Syndrome
  • Epilepsy with myoclonic absences
  • Frontal Lobe Epilepsy
  • Hypothalamic Hamartoma
  • Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

This is a non-exhaustive list, and there are other forms of epilepsy which have yet to be discovered.