Epilepsy facts and figures

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Understanding Epilepsy in the UK

Prevalence of Epilepsy

Over 500,000 people in the UK have a type of epilepsy, which equates to around 1 in every 100 people. Additionally, approximately 1 in 20 people will experience a seizure at some point in their lives.

Epilepsy as a Physical Condition

Epilepsy is a physical condition. People with epilepsy have the same mental abilities and intelligence as those without the condition. Epilepsy can affect anyone at any age, often without warning or apparent cause. It is also important to note that epilepsy can go into remission and cease to present symptoms.

Age of Onset

About 30% of new epilepsy cases each year begin in childhood, particularly around the onset of puberty. Another period of relatively high incidence is in people over the age of 70.


Epilepsy affects a significant portion of the population in the UK, with varying onset periods and the potential for remission. Understanding these aspects can help in better supporting those living with epilepsy and increasing awareness about the condition.