Seizure Triggers

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Seizure Triggers: Common and Uncommon Factors

Common Seizure Triggers

There are numerous potential triggers for seizures, and each person may have their own unique triggers. Below are some common triggers, but this list is not exhaustive:

  • Missed medication
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Boredom
  • Irregular eating
  • Hormone changes
  • Visual triggers

Uncommon Seizure Triggers

There are also some less common triggers that should be noted:

  • Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, such as during the take-off or landing of an aeroplane, or even moving from sitting to standing too quickly.
  • Extremes in blood sugar levels can cause seizures, particularly in people with diabetes. High blood sugar levels can lead to partial focal seizures, while low blood sugar levels can result in tonic-clonic seizures.
  • Eating grapefruits can affect many medications, including anti-epileptic drugs. A chemical in grapefruit interferes with certain medications, altering their properties and making them less effective.
  • Certain smells can also trigger seizures. For instance, some perfumes have been known to increase the likelihood of a seizure.


Understanding the various common and uncommon triggers of seizures can help in managing and preventing them. Each individual's triggers may vary, so it is important to identify and avoid personal triggers to reduce the risk of seizures.